Monday, July 6, 2009

Toohpaste and pheromone

Answer: Well, two possibilities - unexpected increase in attention from the opposite sex, or really, really, REALLY sweaty breath.

Why this discussion? Well, it all came about when I saw Transformers 2 with my buddy A.C. I'm there for the robots - he's there for pretty much the same reason why most of the guys in the cinema were there for: Megan Fox.

Its interesting: There were guys there, even ones with their girlfriends, unable to hold back their gasp when Megan Fox first appeared on the screen, slouched suggestively over a modded bike. I am not going to lie and say that she's not attractive, but I don't know why guys oggle over her. Honest.

I tell you what rocks my boat though - when my code works the first time I write it and test it. Or, when I manage to go through a downhill trail without stacking. Or when I get that praise from the management team after a successful consultation gig. That rocks my boat because its achievable, and REAL.

"Bro, if I saw Megan Fox on the street, god help me". Yeah, sure, god help him because 1) It's never going to happen and 2) My farts smell like Hugo Boss bottled - completely unfathomable and definitely not possible. Wait........... no, definitely not possible.

So, it was no surprise that when Megan Fox smiled, for that single moment every single guy forgot about their relationships and became single again. Correction: this isn't limited to just guys - some girls bit their lips as well. To be honest, its not fair. For someone to generate that kind of effect from just smiling is a travesty. Since when did smiling have that kind of effect? And why is it just limited to supermodels or attractive people? Why can't we have that kind of power as well?

Then I remembered Hanibal Lecter, and I immediately swallowed my words.

But in all honesty, that got my mind thinking - why is this reserved for the few? You see it everywhere - the person walking away with the best deal on the LCD TV is the chick that smiled to the salesperson. Or the one that gets extra topping on their pizza is that chick that flashed a grin to the shopowner. Or the one that gets the gig on a full on geek-a-zoid tech review show is the one that can flash those pearly whites.

Imagine a world where pheromones is fused in our toothpaste - two things can happen really. You'll start hearing people breathing quite heavily. And boy we'll have a new pollutant index for the EPA to report on. But at least we will all have a chance to achieve what these supermodels achieve with just a smile. I'll definitely smile a lot more (I'm not very photogenic - the wedding photographer probably used up all the RAM in his computer to photo edit my picture, unlike my wife. Oh, and she falls into that category of people who gets stuff from just smiling. We get really good food from the pasar malam when she smiles. I ain't complaining - as long as I get extra fried chicken in my nasi lemak, I'm smiling too).

If it does happen, I can truly say "Eat that Megan Fox!" ..... well, don't eat it. No one knows what happens when you consume concentrated sweat.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A crazy deadline and a sandwich

Answer: Half eaten sandwich and a great weekend.

Great weekend is open to interpretation: Unfortunately, mine is not the positive one. I'm crazily preparing for what will be one of the toughest week I'll ever face. I've got to prepare test plans, work instructions, finalisation of code, a handful of presentations (and deliver them) and both plan and deploy a migration strategy. All in one week.

Its great to be back under pressure :)

All geeks would agree that a typical weekend consists of the above, plus a few rounds of BF2 or Gears of War 2. I have to admit, this is a fresh change from writing heaps and heaps of use cases and requirements, test plans, UML diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams... ugh... not that there's anything wrong with that, its just nice to get back into the swing of being a code monkey and having full control of the SDLC.

Still, gotta make it up to the wifey though - me working the whole weekend isn't quite the way I planned to spend it with the wifey. However, this gives her a great time time to focus on touching up on her resume - doctors have to apply for an interview every single year... what a bummer.

Me? I'm happily finishing of my code and getting ready for a VERY long week ahead.

Listening to: "To Build a Home" by Patrick Watson (Pacha Chillax)

Friday, June 12, 2009

A doctor with a blog

Answer: The inevitable tag to do a quiz :)

So, in response to the tag, here's the "presentation" based on the questions:

1. What color is your toothbrush?
~White (so cliche)

2. Name one person who made you smile today?

3. What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
~Running to catch a tram

4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
~Reading this... questionaire?

5. What is your favorite candy bar?
~Twix, hands down

6. Have you ever been to a strip club?
~Most definitely - obviously the only member was me, and the venue was obviously the bathroom. Hey, a guy wants to feel good once in a while too you know...

7. What is the last thing you said aloud?
~Another requirement?!

8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
~Most of the time vanilla - just because you can blame on the bland taste and proceed to add in "additives" (e.g. nuts, fruits, other ice cream flavours :D)

9. What was the last thing you had to drink?

10. Do you like your wallet?
~It does the job. Can't surf the web on it, so there's room for improvement.

11. What was the last thing you ate?
~Garlic bread

12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
~This week? Try this financial quarter....

13. The last sporting event you watched?
~Mad rush to grab the last garlic bread. And based on question 11, you know who won.

14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
~Caramel Popcorn

15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?

So there - I've done my civic duty, and apologise up front for the 3 minutes you've lost reading my responses :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Two hypochondriacs and Tamiflu

Answer: Mass hysteria, and possibly a full on punch on over the Tammiflu. Chances are it wouldn't be much of a punch on, what with all the non-contact premise. Plus breaking up the fight will be really easy: stand in the middle and just sneeze.

I'm taking it a bit too far with the hypochondriacs, but lets think about this - awareness vs mass-hype-turned-wrong. There is a difference: Being aware means that you take the proper precautions to ensure that you have the proper defense mechanisms to eliminate or limit your susceptibility to get sick.

Mass-hype-turned-wrong: THIS is awareness at a different level. Mad rush to get face masks, socially avoiding anyone holding a tissue to their nose, inept at hiding their disgust when they hear a sniffle or a sneeze a mile away. Not only that, this person suddenly wakes up one morning, and becomes a fully qualified medical practitioner:

Anonymous person #1: Man, such a long day.... Gotta check my emails when I get back to my desk. I've got such a headache, and...
Mass-hype-turned-wrong Person: You've got swine flu.

Anonymous person #2: Ah, the long weekend was great. Went to a really nice mexican bistro and...
Mass-hype-turned-wrong Person: You've got swine flu.

Anonymous person #3: Hey man, how's things?
Mass-hype-turned-wrong Person: You've got swine flu. Oh, and I'm doing great. And I don't have swine flu. But you do. Get away from me.

Man, if this guy was running a general practice, he will be making millions in a single day, writing out Tamiflu perscriptions.

With the number of confirmed cases, its hard to ignore it, what with the media really milking the situation. You literally get updates by the minute, almost as bad as Paris Hilton's twitter.

Last note: I'm cautious, but at the same time aware that there are more deaths due to the flu in this year alone in comparison to the swine flu. I really feel that we have to be aware, but at the same time know that mass hysteria is not necessary. We're turning into a bunch of whingers, and as a result putting pressure on the health system. I don't think I can sleep at night if I knew I went to the hospital emergency department for what I thought was the swine flu, and took the spot away from someone that really needed medical care.

Monday, June 8, 2009

TV remote control and Kevin Rudd

Answer: A pretty muted Prime Minister, that's for sure.

Look, I'm being unfair - he does have a few good qualities. He's got a great work ethic, and he drives the people around him to work hard for the public. That's great, but working hard on policies the public DO NOT agree with is another matter all together.

Ok, I'm venting because I'm still getting over the fact that ETS has been delayed by a year. Why? Well, due to the current economic crisis, it is just not feasible to go down that path... "for the sake of the economy". Funny thing is, the Liberal party (opposition) is sitting on the same side of the fence. "Wait for other nations to take initiative, hopefully during the talks in Copenhagen".

And not just that:
1) Health rebate amended - cuts, cuts and more cuts. Is it good? Well, the good thing is that the rich is no longer getting benefits us working-class citizens deserve. But what percentage do they make up? Not a hell of a lot, and yet the impact is also felt by middle-income earning families. Fair? Hardly - the outcome, although simplistic, can happen: Come '09/'10 financial year, there will be a drop in private health, putting an additional strain on the public healthcare system. We all know that the public health care system is already overloaded as it is... which leads to...

2) Hospitals upgraded, but health care practitioners see NOTHING: Former AMA president was asking this question right after the budget was announced. Great, the hospitals are getting an upgrade. But its a federal budget, which will be managed by states (and each state gets a cut). And from there, the upgrades might take years to implement. What's wrong with this picture? Well, simply put, IT DOESN'T FIX THE PROBLEM NOW! All health care practitioners do not realise any benefits in this budget at all. If anything, their workload has just increased. What with the swine flu paranoia, and the unpaid overtime, health care practitioners are going to find it tougher than it is now. Its not an easy fix, but you would assume that the government would focus on the PEOPLE rather than the buildings.

3) Super salary sacrifice cap halved: Oh great, this sends out a great message to the people. You want to save for your retirement? Well, sorry, you can't. Oh, and you've now got to wait longer before you can see your hard earned cash. Sure, although our health care system is overloaded, we have been blessed by great service and our health and longetivity has improved. But with the financial stress, the current economy, the pressures of work - I wasn't entirely surprised to see grey hairs on my head, and I'm only 26! People will get sick more often, and by the time you can take out your super, you can't even remember where you parked your car and arthritis is your best friend.

Its hard when a country is governed by a two preferred party system, and both of them are lead by grown men that act like kids fighting in the playground after missing their sugar fix.

I mean, have you seen the amount of bickering that goes on in the Senate? Wait, sorry, I'll use a more politically correct term - intellectual banter. No wait, that wasn't any better, in fact its a downright lie. Oh, what the heck, lets settle with bickering. How did it get to this state? I mean, we all have at some point in time, been forced to watch adaptations of Jane Austen or Bronte during high school or with our partners, and noticed that the language used is extremely sophisticated and well grounded. Even words exchanged during a heated argument carry a G classification on our TV's nowadays.

There must've been one polly that broke the protocol:
Polly 1: Mr Speaker and fellow party affiliates, it is within my humble opinion that the policy raised by the leader of the opposition warrants further review, with the utmost respect for any due processes outlined by the opposition on how the review would be conducted, and...
Polly 2: Or pull that stick out of your ass and shut the...

Ok, getting back to the cross - why the remote and Kevin Rudd? Well, I can easily rewind back to all the empty promises made, try to capture his body language and his facial expression, and see if he repeats any of them in his promises in the future. That way, I SHOULD have a good chance of picking what's real and what's not.

Problem is, this requires me to capture the facial features and body language he projects (well, all politicians really) when he's telling the truth. Makes the comparison much easier, of course...

That's why its probably best to just be able to mute him and any politician before anything comes out from their mouths. Saves us a whole heap of sleepless nights realising our hopes have been stacked on empty promises.

Last note:
Check out this website for an understanding of the budget:,,5017014,00.html